Education Futures

Automation could displace between 400 million and 800 million workers globally by 2030 if we do not retrain them or change our education systems to prioritize lifelong learning. Read on to view a partial summary of the recent forecasts affecting the future of education that our robot, Athena has found by constantly trawling the web and social media.
What is changing?












Can China lead global higher education?

Is the global push on education succeeding?

What role should an emerging economy company play in general training and education, and in building the workforce you need?

Please note: The graphs below are a selection from our extensive collection of visual analysis tools that you can manipulate on the Shaping Tomorrow service to suit your own purposes.

System map
The Education system map where most of the opportunities lie for future learning and notes the arrival of VR, AI as key technologies that will assist and disrupt markets going forward.

Sentiment analysis
Sentiment has always been positive on education since our recording and analysis began four years ago. However, the positive results are significantly reduced by fears of many people being left behind through technology improvements and the impact technology will have on traditional delivery methods with Universities, Colleges and Schools.


Pie charts

Surprisingly, and worryingly, education only achieves a medium intensity against all the other key issues that Athena tracks. This should be a key concern for all organizations going forward though it represents a very big opportunity for those developing new forms of distant, global education systems.


Radar chart

This graphic shows the most likely and promising top areas of change which revolve around the need for further education in technologies, climate change, infrastructure and education itself.


Key sectors that are likely to see the most change by 2025 are food and agriculture, government, IT, construction and media and entertainment as new education methods are delivered globally and instantly.


The chart below shows  a significant shift of investment and step-change in education in most sectors partly because of strong global growth and organizations recognising the tumultuous expected change in business models and work practices during the next decade. A highly educated workforce will be essential in the years to come both to attract and retain top-class talent.

Heat map

This map again shows a paucity of intense education efforts worldwide compared to all other topics that we track.

The countries making the most effort right now are India, Brazil and the U.S.


Athena used the sources below as the top ones to create this report and determined which embedded forecasts are included in this Trend Alert. She found 3,638 forecasts in seconds on the 17hh April 2018 to allow us to publish this summary in less than thirty minutes. She can turn these into PowerPoint slides and Audio files in minutes too as you wish.


Athena does show duplicates to aid your understanding of themes as well as contradictory forecasts. She may also show near-duplicates. You can speed read past the duplicates and near-duplicates if you wish, though the latter may show additional information. You can use the contradictory, and likely uncertain forecasts she finds to imagine different scenarios. The future is unpredictable, but we can examine the possibilities and choose our preferable future from the choices she presents.
Athena is apolitical. She will report forecasts from different viewpoints however distasteful that might be to our own values. Wearing rose-colored glasses is not her purpose; reporting potential futures is. So, we recommend you check her veracity before responding to her extracted forecasts.

Just like humans, Athena can be fallible. Do recognize that you and your associates are biased too. But whereas you tire, make mistakes and only recognize what interests you, she does not. She might miss or misinterpret as you do, but with far less frequency and she’ll take uncomfortable truths and alternative ideas in her stride. But, please let us know if you feel her bias can be reduced. We want to do our best for you. And, as with any research, you should check and triangulate her findings for yourself.

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